Rocket Boys Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show how the Cold War is brought out as a significant element in Rocket Boys.

    In this work, the Cold War is presented not only as a background to the time in which these events unfold but also is the reason behind the desire and impulse to build better war equipment, in particular, the tension behind the United States and the Soviet Union. This tensions somehow play in the day to day lives of the people even though in an almost unrecognizable way.

  2. 2

    Bring out the irony of Homer’s interest in his son, Sonny taking a job as a miner.

    Homer Hickham’s father is a well-paid miner in the coal mines of Coalwood, West Virginia. He expects that his son, Sonny will take up a job as a miner when he becomes older. Because of his pride, Homer Sr does not want to admit that the world is changing and that mining is not as safe as a profession. Even though Homer Sr knows how unsafe this profession is, it is ironical that he wants his son to join in later when he grows up.

  3. 3

    Homer Sr. does not hold life in high regard. Is this assertion correct?

    Homer Sr works as a miner in a coalfield even though he knows quite well the dangers involved in the same profession. Even though he is aware of this, coming home with coughs and other mining-related diseases, he enjoys the idea of having his son working as a miner. Even though the pay is good, he ends up in a coma later as a result of working in the mines. Because Homer Sr does not quit his job and seek an alternative, it can be argued that he does not value his life and that of his son as much as he should.

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