River Thieves Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

River Thieves Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbolism of the Red Indians

The so-called Red Indians are symbolized by rapid extinction from their native land, Newfoundland. When Captain David visits Newfoundland to establish a relationship with the natives, he realizes that the Red Indians are on the verge of extinction. Their place is quickly being taken by the white settlers who have invaded the area.

The symbolism of opportunism

Opportunism in this text symbolized by John Peyton Senior, a rich white settle in Newfoundland. Peyton Senor is a very rich and influential individual. Unfortunately, Peyton Senior uses his power and influence to oppress the original inhabitants, and he aims to continue enriching himself. Therefore, John Peyton Senior is an opportunist who wants to continue taking advantage of the poor inhabitants to score his selfish gains.

Cassie as a symbol of famine, independence, and secrecy

Cassie is the woman tasked with the responsibility of running John Peyton Senior's household. Cassie is self-regulating, and she executes her activities in great confidentiality according to her employer's expectations. Therefore, Cassie is an emblem of autonomy and privacy.

The symbolism of the title ‘River Thieves’

The title of this book symbolizes humanity because it presents all kinds of characters that represent humanity. For instance, the Red Indians are depicted as a minority group that is facing distinction. On the other hand, the white settlers are presented as privileged people. Readers expect that the privileged members of the community should use their power and influence to uplift the poor. On the contrary, Peyton Senior and his fellow rich white settler are opportunists who use their power and wealth to oppress the poor.

The kidnapping and murder of the Red Indians

The killings and kidnappings symbolize the incapability of the locals to defend themselves and their properties from the aggressiveness of the white settlers. When Buchan investigates the kidnapping of an Indian woman and her murdered husband, he realizes that the Peyton clan is behind the atrocities.

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