Richard Church: Poems Summary

Richard Church: Poems Summary

"Be Frugal"

"Be Frugal" is a shorter poem than most, with only two stanzas of four lines each. In the poem, the narrator is warning readers to stay away from the power of love, mostly because of its power to haunt you. It can be concluded that the narrator was hurt by love before, and therefore warns others not to love, as when you stop loving someone, the other person may not stop loving you.


In this poem, which, like the title, discusses how things can become immortal, Richard Church reveals some of his innermost views. One line of the poem is "And thoughts descend to words". The poem describes the way that the one can become immortal is portraying thoughts in a unique and different way, instead of simply writing. Everything dies eventually, but thoughts do not have to die with their owners.

"A Moment's Escape"

Man can be a terrifying force, and, in this poem, the narrator tries to escape his wrath. However, being a man himself, this can never actually happen, but thinking of the temporary safety from the threat of war is appealing. If escape is only for a moment, it is still beneficial, and helps one to regain a bit of peace, as the narrator tries, but eventually will fail, to do.

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