Rewolucja: Russian Poland, 1904-1907

Rewolucja: Russian Poland, 1904-1907 Analysis

The Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland from 1904 to 1907 has been viewed in history as part of the larger Russian Revolution that would escalate from 1917 onwards. However, Blobaum takes the opportunity to delve into the specifics of this revolution to highlight its significance in the larger picture. Even though is considered as one of the failed attempts at revolution the book aims to focus on the success it achieved. After the Russo-Japanese War, the Kingdom of Poland suffered from economic dislocation and consequently, labor unrest erupted. Thus ignited a chain of events that would include the workers, the student movement, and the rural countryside in the revolution. The period is marked by significant moments such as the Lodz insurrection that saw a peak in the disturbances fighting the Russian Empire. Blobaum exhibits why the movements in Poland contributed to the spirit of revolt that was seen later on in the Revolutions of 1917.

The worsening economy at the start of the century drove the workers and peasants to make demands to the government for better conditions. This book highlights the progression of these demands that would escalate onto full-blown demonstrations, strikes, and civil unrest. The student movements also joined in through strikes to call for political freedoms from the monarchy of the Russian Empire. Furthermore the protests against Russification that was prevailing in the learning institutions. The suppression by the Russian police and military led to violence and fatalities with the worse encounter being the Lodz insurrection. Blobaum includes the details to illustrate the masses’ state of mind and the vigor that they demonstrated during the unrest. The uprising observed among the different populaces throughout Poland fostered national consciousness towards freedom.

In the last sections of the book, Blobaum focuses on the political culture in the Kingdom as it shifted into mass politics. He probes into the dynamic of the political scene as the political parties evolved due to the limited participation in the new mentality that took over. After the disturbances, the system of governance shifted gradually setting up for the successive revolutions a decade later. Even though the revolt was not successful massive changes took place in terms of the demands met by the government. Thus Blobaum emphasizes the seeds of revolution that were sowed during this period that would resonate in history and the modern world.

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