Restoration Summary

Restoration Summary

Restoration is set in London, England during the time period of 1660-1670. The King of Britain at the time is Charles II. The main character and protagonist is Robert Merivel. The story is told by him in first person, and the basics of the story are him telling how he came of age, starting when he was just 9 years old.

Robert Merivel is a partly educated physician/surgeon. He does not have his full education because he left school after the death of his father, who was the official glove maker of the King. Now that his father is dead, the King appoints Robert a role in the palace as well, as the main physician of the palace dogs. Gradually his status in the kingdom increases when he is ordered to marry the mistress of the King, Celia. This marriage was part of an idea to hide the fact that Celia was actually the mistress of the King, so the King places great trust in Robert not to tell anyone of this secret. Robert receives from this marriage a manor that has a thirty-room mansion with all supplies, furniture and servants standing ready when he moves in.

Robert, simply being a part of this scheme, was never actually supposed to love Celia, but he ends up doing so despite the King's orders. The King bans him immediately from the mansion and manor as soon as he hears this dreadful news. Robert find his best friend, Pearce, to hopefully give him some help. Pearce is a Quaker that lives at an old fashioned mental health hospital, run by others of his religion. While Pearce is there, he tragically dies. Robert ends up impregnating a woman, Katherine, who is also a patient at the hospital. He is banished too from the hospital, along with Katherine. Robert had and still has no feelings for Katherine, and she ends up having the baby, Margaret, and dies in childbirth. The baby is left with a nurse at the hospital, and Robert is once again in need of help.

Robert decides to simply live aimlessly on the streets of London during the final days of the London plague. During his time in London, he longs to be back with the King in royalty and honor, with no fears of what might happen to him next. He considers the King a God, and becomes more and more frustrated with himself and the King, eventually falling ill. He gets in a coma, but is happily restored by the King in his former mansion. His future of health is uncertain, and we leave the novel not knowing exactly what the King will do to him next.

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