Restart Literary Elements

Restart Literary Elements


Stand-Alone Young Adult Novel (Fiction)

Setting and Context

Written in the context of bullying

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is somber, and the mood is captivating.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Chase Ambrose and Brendan Spinoza are the main protagonists in the story.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that Chase Ambrose suffers from amnesia, but he is the lead bully in his school.


The climax is when Ambrose realizes his mistakes and starts reinventing his life to make peace with old friends he bullied and humiliated in the past.




Chase's amnesia is understated in the story. The reader realizes that what Chase needs after suffering from amnesia is love. Unfortunately, his father ignored him, and he turned his anger to bullying fellow children to confirm his ego.


The story alludes to factors that contribute to bullying in schools.


The images of Aaron and Bear spraying fire extinguisher foam to distrust the YouTube video presentation depict sight imagery.


The main paradox is that Shoshanna and Chase become very close friends despite their initial enmity.


There is parallelism between Chase’s initial bullying traits and his former friends who intimidate Brendan.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



Bullying is incarnated as futile

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