Reluctantly Alice Literary Elements

Reluctantly Alice Literary Elements


Young Adult Novel

Setting and Context

Written in the context of Alice’s life

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Sad, disheartening, buoyant and hopeless

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Alice McKinley.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that Alice wants to befriend everyone in school, but fellow students in her new school instead bully her.


The climax comes when Alice proves to be wise despite being a young girl who manages to handle so many things at once. Alice does her things maturely and orderly despite not having a role model.


The lessons foreshadow Alice's mellowness and neatness she learns from her father's deteriorating love life and her brother's cluttered relationships.


The death of a loved one is understated in the story. When Alice’s mother dies, her father’s love life fails miserably.


The story alludes to Alice’s coming of age and maturing without a role model.


Sight imagery is depicted when the narrator describes the blue-green eyes of Alice’s Art teacher (Miss Summers) in the new school.


The main paradox is when Alice first sees the naked breasts of her fellow girls during gym lessons. Ironically, Alice did not know that all the girls her age were in their puberty stages in life.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Nudity is used as a metonymy for a new stage in life.



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