Really Good, Actually Quotes


"This morning, after he left, I'd almost immediately taken a photo of myself, wanting to preserve the moment and entertaining grandiose ideas about this horrible loss marking the start of every creative, generative time."


The quote is significant because it explores Maggie's excitement after successfully divorcing her husband. From the quote, the reader can see that Jon has been a burden to Maggie, snow she feels relieved and excited to move on to the world of freedom.

"Jon and I fell in love at university, his cheerful nihilism a surprising complement to my chronic overthinking."


The love between Jon and Maggie is ordinary because nothing is unique about it. Maggie first meets John in their first year of study. In the second year, the two discover that they are attracted to each other. Immediately after graduating, they get married. The quote reflects Maggie's short journey of love, which ends prematurely in her second year of marriage.

“As we’d packed his clothes away, we’d agreed that handling whatever came next with kindness would be a nice way to honor what we meant to each other.”


Divorce is not about enmity but an act that demonstrates two people can no longer live as husband and wife. Maggie is keen not to hurt Jon because she is the one initiating for divorce. According to Maggie, this is not the end between her and Jon because, despite parting ways, they remain to be close friends.

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