
Rashomon Irony

The servant steals from the old woman ("Rashōmon") (situational irony)

The servant in "Rashōmon" considers thievery his only option for survival, but immediately condemns the old woman for stealing. In the end her justification for stealing does her in, because the servant uses it against her!

Have your fill of yam gruel ("Yam Gruel") (verbal irony)

Goi wonders whether he shall ever have his fill of yam gruel, and Toshihito is not only able to give him his fill, but quite a bit more than that -- so much so, in fact, that Goi's body erupts and he sneezes out of fullness. Certainly, Goi can "have his fill."

Morito kills Kesa ("Kesa and Morito") (dramatic irony)

The most tragic form of irony comes with Kesa's imminent disguise as Wataru, because it means that Morito is going to unwittingly kill his lover. Although this act doesn't occur until after the story's end, the anticipation and suspense about whether they will change their minds throughout the course of the story is unbearably dramatic and ironical.

The dragon ascends ("The Dragon") (situational irony)

However difficult it might be to believe, Hanazō's prank notice board about the dragon ascending out of the pond on March 3rd turned out to be truthful. It is as if his sarcastic prayers have been answered, and yet his desire to gain power remains unsatisfied.