Rape: A Love Story Characters

Rape: A Love Story Character List

Teena Maguire

A women in her thirties who raised her daughter Bethie without the help of a husband. One day, a gang of men attacks her and rapes her in front of her daughter. Her community fails to process the evil event and subtly, Teena's friends and neighbors imply that Teena was probably asking for it.

Bethie Maguire

Teena's daughter. As a single mom, Teena has made her entire life an attempt to educate her daughter and raise her into a successful, independent adulthood. When Teena is raped, Bethie is forced to watch the entire event. Therefore, Bethie also inherits her mother's trauma and mistreatment.

Officer Dromoor

A US Veteran who served in the Gulf War. Also, a police officer who becomes Teena's friend during the fallout. Unfortunately, Dromoor himself cannot shake his own subtle misogyny. He constantly treats Teena in a patronizing, perhaps manipulative manner that suggests he's probably only involved because he thinks Teena will sleep with him.

The "Talking Mouth."

When Teena finally reaches the point where she can confront her assailants through the criminal justice system, she discovers a new obstacle to justice: a male defense attorney who makes his entire living by saying whatever it takes to win. This means that Teena's experience of legal justice is filled with insinuation, insult, and character assassination. She calls the lawyer, "the talking mouth."

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