Rainer Maria Rilke: Poems Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What could represent the fields described in the poem "Evening’’?

    The narrator describes a grand field basking in the light of the moon while he is walking leisurely. The focus falls on the fields, described in the first stanza as being "bleak’’ and "asleep’’. The description of the fields contrasts greatly with the way in which the moo and the stars are described, both elements having attributed to them adjectives transmitting the idea of life and liveliness. The fields are used here as a symbol, the narrator wanting to represent through the description of the fields the general state of the population when it comes to literary pursuits. Through this, the narrator may want to highlight the idea that the vast majority of the population has no interest in learning more about literature and the creative process.

  2. 2

    Why are food and the dead associated in "Sonnet 6’’?

    In the sonnet mentioned above, the narrator gives a great importance to the role food served in the remembering of the dead. The narrator warns his readers not to let food on the table as it may attract the souls of the dead. This is a reference made to various traditions which still exist today through which the living make an offering to the dead in the form of food. It is believed the food can bring the soul back to the land of the living and even make their afterlife much easier by providing them with the comfort they once had during their lifetime. Thus, the connection made between food and the dead may be an allusion made in this sense.

  3. 3

    Explain the title of the poem "Black Joy’’.

    The poem mentioned above is a love poem addressed by the narrator to an unnamed woman. The narrator uses this poem to highlight his affections for the woman in question and to show the length he was willing to go in order to win her heart. The narrator claims to be ready to give everything in his life just to have the opportunity to be near her. He also expresses various others destructive behaviors which he hopes will prove to the woman he truly loves her. The title of the poem is used to express this excessive passion the narrator had and also to show how love can sometimes make people behave as if life would end if he could not win her affections.

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