Prometheus Irony

Prometheus Irony

Making It

Holloway, Shaw and the rest of the crew are awakened after a 2-year sleep state of travel to the distant planet. Holloway excitedly rejoices to Shaw that they've "made it." Ironically, Shaw and everyone else is throwing up while he says this because of the hardship on their bodies. It shows that this may not be what they've expected.

An Invitation

Shaw and Holloway have found ancient markings across Earth that they believe are an invitation from ancient beings to come to a far away planet. Ironically, the beings they seek want to destroy all of mankind.

Minimizing Risk

Vickers has the Prometheus outfitted with a personal escape pod as her living quarters in order to save her life if anything happens on the planet. Ironically, she deploys in the escape pod and it leads her to her death as she is crushed by the ship attempting to take off.


Shaw and Holloway have come to the planet in order to make contact with the beings they believe are there. Ironically, Vickers orders that no contact is allowed to be made with any being on the planet.


David wears a space suit not because he needs to be protected from the atmosphere like the rest of the humans, but because he wants to ensure that the humans feel like he is one of them and trusts them. The irony is that they trust him so much as to follow him, and we see this when Holloway takes a drink from David that causes him to die.

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