Pride (2014 film)

Pride (2014 film) Quotes and Analysis

"What in the hell do you think you're doing? Get out there and find a gay or a lesbian right now!"


When the miners are not mingling with the members of the LGSM in the Welfare Hall, Hefina yells at one of them for not mingling, insisting that he find a gay or a lesbian to talk to.

"Without a pit, these villages are finished."


When someone on the news announces the fact that the government plans to close 20 mines in response to the strike, Cliff says this as a way of broadcasting how important the mines are to the local economies.

"It doesn't matter. It's the right thing to do!"


When he first proposes to his gay friends that they ought to help the miners, Mark is met with resistance. Someone wonders what the miners ever did for the gay community, to which Mark says this line. This line represents Mark's entire ethic: that they should help the miners not because they owe it to them, but because it is right.

"When you're in a battle with an enemy that's so much bigger, so much stronger than you, to find out you had a friend you never knew existed, well that's the best feeling in the world. Can you see what we've done here, by coming together all of us? We made history!"


Dai says this to the gay group on the topic of solidarity, and suggests that it is their power to work together towards a common goal—a cornerstone of the labor movement—that has made their movement historical and important.

Journalist: Why should gay people support the miners?

Mark: Because miners dig for coal, which produces power, which allows gay people like you to dance to Bananarama till three o'clock in the morning.


When the LGSM is doing press for their fundraising event, Mark speaks with a publication that asks him why gay people should care about the miners. He cheekily puts it in language that a gay person could understand, by making this joke conflating mining with gay nightlife.

"It's a fund-raising concert, and we're lookin' for bands to... no! No! No, no, no, I am in no way suggesting that Sting, or indeed any other member of The Police, is a pervert."


When the LGSM is trying to find a performer for their fundraiser, they meet a lot of resistance and prejudice from the music industry. In this moment, Mark calls asking to see if Sting will perform and Sting's management is completely offended and offensive about the inquiry.

"Listen, we don't mind the gays, and the lesbians, that's fine. But don't you dare be bringing people from North Wales down here!"


When Gethin first arrives in the village, Hefina grills him about where in Wales he is from. At first, she makes it seem as though she is going to be prejudiced towards him about being gay, but she makes it into a joke of endearment about how she doesn't like people from North Wales (where he is from) and he laughs uproariously.

"Jesus God that takes me back!"


Hefina says this to the other Welsh women when they are staying with the gay Londoners and find their dildo and gay pornographic magazine. They laugh long and loud about the two items.

Joe: I've never met a lesbian before

Steph: Really? I've never met anyone who irons their jeans.

Joe and Steph

In their first interaction, Joe tells Steph he's never met a lesbian like her before, and she fires back that she's never met "anyone who irons their jeans," playfully referring to the fact that he is quite buttoned-up and formal.

"Now, there is a long and honorable tradition in the gay community and it has stood us in good stead for a very long time. When somebody calls you a name... You take it and you own it!"


After the newspaper calls the LGSM a group of perverts, Mark insists that they cannot let the bad press get to them. Instead, he suggests, they have to own their designation and incorporate it into their self-image in a positive way. This is a moment in which Mark explicitly outlines the nature of gay pride.