Prague Winter Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Prague Winter Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Leaflets are a symbol of persuasion. The Nazis drop leaflets over lands to persuade them that being under German control will be better for them. The propaganda is a why to convince people that the Nazis are looking to make living situations better for Germans throughout Europe and they are only taking over countries that mistreat the German people.


Prague itself is a symbol of hope. The leaders of Czechoslovakia that are in exile in England see Prague as the hope of the future. The exiles strife to bring hope to the world by telling the people in Prague to sabotage Nazi planes and tanks made in the country’s factories. The Czech people resist their occupation by doing small things to slow the Nazi occupation of Europe, England and the Soviet Union.

Munich Pact

The Munich Pact is a symbol of betrayal. The leaders wanted to avoid a war, so they allowed Hitler to manipulate them into signing a pact that he had no intention of upholding. He used it to get what he wanted without having to fight to obtain it. The leaders of England and France betrayed Czechoslovakia and left them on their own against Germany. Czechoslovakia chose not to fight on their own and lost their country to Hitler.


Bombs are a symbol of resistance. The Nazis bomb England to bring the country to its knees so that it will not resist German rule. The bombings bring the English people together in unity to fight against the Nazi regime. Rather than breaking the English people, the bombings make them strive harder to end the rule of the Nazis over Europe.


The radio is a symbol of knowledge. The exiled leadership of Czechoslovakia use radio broadcasts to inform people in occupied lands that they are not forgotten and to tell them what they can do to help the allied cause in the war. The people in occupied lands are only allowed to hear the propaganda of the Nazi party. By listening to the underground radio broadcasts, they learn what is truly happening in the outside world.

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