Pony Irony

Pony Irony

The paradox of refuge

Silas is a 10-year-old boy, and when it starts raining, he innocently takes shade under an oak tree. Silas believes that the oak tree will save him from the thunderstorm. On the contrary, the shade turns into a nightmare when the tree is struck by a thunderstorm and catches fire. Luckily, the boy survives, but his clothes are burnt, and a permanent imprint of the tree is left on his body.

The satire of the dead

When a person dies, he vanishes from the world, and people can only have memories of him. Mittenwool is dead, but satirically, Silas sees him several, and they have a conversation. For instance, the two boys see strange people talking to Silas' dad after conversing, offering him something to acknowledge that he is Mac Boat.

The capture of Roscoe Ollerenshaw

Roscoe is a notorious gang leader, and everyone fears him. No one should refuse whenever Roscoe makes an offer because he can kill instantly. Initially, Silas was scared of him because even the authorities were cautious of his dealings. Ironically, Silas joins the gangbusters, and they capture Roscoe and his gang.

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