Pod Metaphors and Similes

Pod Metaphors and Similes

A wounded fish (simile)

Ea is a thoughtful and concerned young woman who looks forward to a society that is considerate and humane. However, when Ea remembers that her family members and the rest of society have ignored the pain of the whale, she feels very sad. The author compares Ea’s sad feeling to a wounded fish. The author writes, “The thought fluttered Ea’s heart like a wounded fish.” The simile is significant because it shows that despite Ea’s disability, she is one of the few individuals with a human heart.

A Sound Bean (Simile)

The voice of the singing humpback is likened to a sound beam. The narrator says, "Even after this, the Rorqual continued developing his declaration, timbre and the transitions between his rolling bass-baritone that came from the depths of his huge body, and higher voice he could issue like a sound beam from his head." Rorqual is a singer, and he has practiced singing different melodies for several years. However, the people around him ignore his efforts, and no one is bothered to copy or imitate his singing. However, Rorqual is determined to sing so that everyone can hear his new song; this time, his voice is like a sound beam.

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