Pnin Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Pnin Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Dates (motif)

Throughout the entire novel, different dates of different events are indicated all the time, mostly by the protagonist – Pnin himself. The most vivid example of this tendency is when Pnin, with no hesitation or reflection, says the date of when events in “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy start: “The action of the novel starts in the beginning of 1872, namely on Friday, February the twenty-third by the New Style”. Such a deep knowledge of such insignificant things tells that Pnin is very punctilious and meticulous person. It helps to understand him better.

Greek Catholic cross (symbol)

Pnin has always had a Greek Catholic cross on a golden chain on his neck. As he saiys himself, he wears it “merely from sentimental reasons”, but it is obvious that it has a significant meaning for Pnin. It is very important for him; this cross symbolizes his childhood, and his motherland. He never considered returning to Russia possible, but his heart always longed for there because it was where he belonged.

Bowl (symbol)

On the evening when Pnin found out that he was fired he had a party in his house. All his friends have gathered and it was a very pleasant evening for every one. Joan has noticed a bowl that stood on the table and paid attention to it. It was a unique bowl that Victor, Lisa’s son, had presented Pnin with. Everyone agreed that it was really beautiful and it must have cost him a lot. When everyone has left Pnin’s friend professor Hagen informed him about his position, which made Pnin incredibly unhappy. Hagen left and Pnin started washing up. His eyes were full of tears when he was bending over the sink and a glass has slid from his hands and fell into the sink; the sound of broken glass brought Pnin to reality. He took out the broken pieces, but the bowl was not broken, since it was on the very bottom and stayed safe. At that moment this bowl symbolizes Pnin’s inner world – no matter what happens outside he stays unchangeable inside.

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