Play With Repeats Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explain the title of the play.

    The play the author gave to the play is an extremely important one because it represents the main idea that the narrator is trying to transmit. "Play with repeats" is a suggestive title because it transmits the idea of mindless repetition, something the main character is doing in the play. Tony is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and every time he hopes of being met with a new outcome. Even when he realizes he should stop repeating the same actions, he is unable to fully break himself from the vicious circle he finds himself in. As such, he is stuck in an endless loop, repeating the same actions over and over again.

  2. 2

    Explain the ending of the play.

    The play ends in a rather ambiguous way, with Tony having a disagreement with his friend in the same pub where the two meet in the first act. Tony's friend is violent and condescending, expressing directly his thoughts and feelings about Tony's possible success in the future. The play ends rather abruptly at this point, the author choosing to end the last act with Tony standing alone on stage. No information regarding his future plans is given but the general impression is that Tony did not give up on his hopes for the future. However, while Tony remains hopeful, the author's expectation is that Tony, despite his best efforts, will not achieve what he hopes from life.

  3. 3

    How are those who aspire to have a successful future by becoming artists presented here?

    The image of the artist is not a positive one here. Tony embodies the person who aspires to make a living out of writing and pursuing an artistic endeavor yet all signs point to an unhappy ending. Tony tried time and time again to make it as a writer but his efforts were in vain. What he more, he lacks the moral support he needs from his friends and family. Thus, the image os the artist is portrayed here in a rather bleak manner, even depressing at times.

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