Platoon Characters

Platoon Character List

Chris Taylor

Chris Taylor is to some extent the “hero” in the beginning of the movie, as well as being the narrator and the main character. He is young and hopeful, wanting the war to be over and done with. However, his wishes change when he is met with Barnes and sees what he does. He is filled with rage, and does as Barnes did, killing his fellow soldier, though Taylor killed Barnes in revenge. Taylor has a strong character development, though it is downwards instead of up, as it reveals what war does to young men.


Barnes is very much the antagonist of the movie from the start, nearly as much as the Vietnamese. From the viewpoint of the movie, the watchers are actually given more reason to hate Barnes than the Vietnamese army. He is stoic, cold and brutal, doesn’t care for any others than himself - and that includes his own soldiers and country. Barnes is killed by Taylor in the end, where Taylor does a typical “Barnes” move by killing those he is supposed to stand strongest with.


Elias and Barnes have the same title but couldn’t be more different. This might be the reason why there was so much tension in the camps; the polar opposites didn’t attract each other, they opposed each other. Elias wished the truth would be told and being honest and doing what’s right. He didn’t always manage to follow through on his wishes but did what he could. Because he might tell the commander of the deeds Barnes had done, Barnes killed him.

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