Pity the Beautiful Literary Elements

Pity the Beautiful Literary Elements

Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View

The action in the poem "The Angel with the Broken Wing" is told from the perspective of a first-person subjective point of view.

Form and Meter

"The Country Wife" so written in an iambic pentameter form.

Metaphors and Similes

Winter is used in the poem "The Gods of Winter" as a metaphor used to represent the problems one may have to face during their lifetime.

Alliteration and Assonance

We find an alliteration in the lines "I stood at the edge where the mist ascended,/My journey done where the world ended" in the poem "The End of the World".


The ironic element in "The Gods of Winter" is given by the way the people continue to go outside even if it not necessary and even though they know they are putting their lives in danger.


"The Country Wife" is a meditative poem.


The action in "The Country Wife" takes place in the middle of the night on an empty field.


The tone used in "The Angel with the Broken Wing" is a fearful and violent one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist in "The Gods of Winter" is life and the antagonist is death.

Major Conflict

The major conflict in "The Gods of Winter" is between coldness and warmth.


"The End of the Wolrd" reaches its climax when the characters reach the end of the bridge.


In the first stanza of the poem "The End of the World," the narrator mentions how their journey will end once they reach the end of the bridge because there is no more road left to travel on. This foreshadows the reveal that the end of the world represents here death.


In the first stanza of the poem "Gods of Winter" the narrator claims this season is an extremely mild one. This is proven to be an understatement as the narrator later admits many people lost their lives as a result of the harsh conditions.


The main allusion in the poem "The Angel with the Broken Wing" is the idea that fear is born more than often out of ignorance not out of reality.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The term night is used in the poem "The Country Wife" as a general term to make reference to pain and suffering.


We have a personification in the line "the chatter of the gallery" in the poem "The Angel with the Broken Wing".


We have a hyperbole in the line "As the current streaked over smooth flat stone" in the poem "The end of the World".


In the poem "The Country Wife" contains an onomatopoeia in the line "Following their voice on the breeze".

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