Pigeon English

Pigeon English Irony

"The Man of the House" (Verbal Irony)

Harry believes that he is the "man of the house," and therefore it is his job to protect his mother and sister. He does "man of the house" jobs, like "locking doors" and listening for "invaders." Harri's belief is ironic because he is a child, and it is Mamma and Lydia who protect him from their world's dangers. For example, Mamma invents child-appropriate explanations for racial slurs, and Lydia hushes her friends who try to tell Harri about gang violence.

The Mattress (Situational Irony)

The Dell Farm Crew stop Dean and Harri from entering the cafeteria until Dean pays them one quid. Scared and angry, Dean and Harri express that they hate the Dell Farm Crew and will never join a gang. Immediately after, however, Dean and Harri spot a mattress in the schoolyard and threaten the little kids playing on it, bullying them and using it themselves. Harri and Dean decide to start charging kids to use the mattress. This scene is ironic because Harri and Dean mimic the bullying strategies the Dell Farm Crew used on them by picking on the younger kids and taking their money.

Harri's Chase (Dramatic Irony)

The Dell Farm Crew waits for Harri outside his apartment and chases him, threatening to kill him. However, Harri is excited because he "wasn't suspecting" that he would be pursued, which "made it even better." The reader understands that Harri is in danger, though Harri considers the chase a fun game and a chance to show off his speed.

Harri and Dean's Investigation (Dramatic Irony)

Harri and Dean undertake a comically incompetent investigation, conducting it with a minimal understanding of police procedures and forensic science. They search leaves for fingerprints and interrogate strangers who they believe are "acting guilty or doing something strange." Despite their incompetence, Harri and Dean accidentally find actual evidence, such as the dead boy's wallet. Later, Harri reveals that he witnessed an altercation between the dead boy and the Dell Farm Crew right before the murder. Though Harri "knew somebody was going to get killed," he doesn't make the connection that Killa murdered the dead boy.