Philosophical Essays and Texts of Leibniz Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does Leibniz mean by the quote “The present is big with the future"?

    He uses the statement philosophically to imply that the future is determined by the present events. In this regard, there is a need to connect the past, the present, and the future. Therefore, if one needs a better future should start preparing for it now. The good future cannot be made in days to come but starting from now.

  2. 2

    Give two examples of how the author uses the literary device similes.

    The author uses similes to help the reader see the comparison of things and events. The first simile is evident when Leibniz narrates about wisdom, which is critical in comprehending various concepts. He says, “Wisdom is a perfect knowledge of the principles of all the sciences and the art of applying them.” The second simile is prevalent when Leibniz talks about justice. According to Leibniz, justice and wisdom are interlinked. He says, “Fundamentally, justice is nothing else than charity conformed to wisdom.”

  3. 3

    Does the author of “Philosophical Essays and Texts use time ironically?

    Leibniz uses time ironically when he writes that even the individual who discovered calculus and science facts finds time to be a paradox. Leibniz addresses the issue of time philosophically by asking questions. For instance, he inquires whether the time is a spectrum. There is uncertainty as well, on whether time can reveal the future. Leibniz leaves several questions to be answered by the reader regarding time.

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