Peter Meinke: Poems Themes

Peter Meinke: Poems Themes


In the poem, "M?", the narrator introduces the idea that there is another element in water, one that people have not yet discovered. We have the ability to discover it, but it is such a mystifying idea that there is something else there that we somehow conveniently overlook it. The poem shows the idea of human ignorance, and how people tend to overlook things when it suits them best. It also shows how people cannot comprehend that there may be a possibility of new horizons when they have accepted something else for their entire life.


In the poem, "Apples", the narrator explains that apples are his metaphor for describing his inner truths. Apples come in many different shapes and sizes, and he often tells people that he has a bigger apple than he actually picked. Although little untruths may not harm justice, they add up over time to create a dishonest person. Although the narrator is admitting that he his dishonest through metaphor, he is not brave enough to actually come out and say it, which shows how he is still, in a way, lying.


In the poem, "The Gift of the Magi", which has no relation to the short story, many religious figures are seen doing things that they would not normally do. Shepherds are drunk, Jesus is laughing at the joke of The Lord, and the Angels appear to be off duty. How did all of this happen? The poem doesn't give the exact details, but readers can infer that when people lose faith in what they believe in, this will be the state of their inner mind and personality.

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