Peccavi Characters

Peccavi Character List

Robert Carlton

Carlton is the young parson of Long Stow church. He was known for his discipline and strong personality until the truth of his relationship with Molly Musk was brought to light. He is depicted as an honest and judicious man, who chose to confess his sin in spite of the deadly impact that such confession should bring upon his life and career as a clergyman. He is also portrayed as having a strong moral compass and an admirable power of will, by means of which, he had managed to live in utter isolation for five years without grudging his fellow men for such a cruel treatment. Carlton is an example of the individual, who cares nothing for his public image when his own integrity is at stake, which contrasts the double standards of Victorian England, and serves as an instance of criticism upon its corruption.

Molly Musk

Molly was a young girl, and a member of the choir at Long Stow church. She fell in love with the parson, and their relationship culminated in her pregnancy. She then disappeared from the village for several months to reappear again later, give birth to Carlton’s son and die afterwards. Molly is depicted as an innocent young woman who fell in love with Carlton, and chose the secrecy of a clandestine relationship in fear of her father’s reaction.

Jasper Musk

Jasper is Molly’s father and the main antagonist of the tale. He is depicted as a vindictive old man, who holds unfavorable views upon religion, often bordering on atheism. Jasper was unable to forgive his daughter for her mistake. After her, death he transferred all his anger towards Carlton as the other accomplice of a crime committed against his honor. He raises his grandson in a manner almost devoid of love, and burns the church of Long Stow twice. He dies in his second attempt and causes Carlton to die with him when the latter attempted to rescue the old man.

Wilton Gleed

Sir Wilton Gleed is a wealthy land owner in the village of Long Stow as well as other locations. He is depicted as an overly careful businessman who owed his fortune to his father, who is said to have been a self-made man. Gleed is depicted as a prejudiced and conventional individual, who did not care to get to the bottom of his parson’s story. All, that interested him, was the reputation of the village, in which he lived, and consequently he set himself blindly on the task of persecuting Carlton with the design of casting him away. Gleed is also portrayed as a greedy man, who wanted to secure the fortune of his niece to his son through the bonds of wedlock.

Sydney Gleed

Sydney is Wilton’s son. He is depicted as a young dandy, who enjoys the wealth of his father without having any inclination for work. He asks his cousin Gwynneth for marriage, and is later very angered by her refusal. He treats her in a very unmanly manner, and hurls the secret of Carlton’s disgrace upon her.


She is the young niece of Sir Wilton Gleed who raised her in an environment of oppression and censorship, for he had intended her to marry his son so that the latter could benefit from her legacy. She is depicted as a kind and loving girl, who often made rounds among the poor people of the village to attend to their needs. She befriended the young George Musk and became his benefactress after the death of his father, Robert Carlton whom she secretly loved.

George Musk

George is the infant son of Robert Carlton and Molly Musk. He is raised by his grandparents in oblivion of his mother’s story and father’s identity. He had taken a fancy to Carlton, however, and visited him a couple of time in the church before his grandfather interfered and nearly caused his death.

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