Party Going Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is Party Going’ by Henry Green, an emblematic and satirical novel?

    The reader first realizes that ‘Party Going’ is an emblematic novel when the author writes, “Fog was so dense, a bird that had been disturbed went flat into balustrade and slowly fell, dead, at her feet.” The pigeon is symbolic because it represents the lives of most of the characters described in the novel. The key characters are looking forward to attending Max Adey’s party, but the fog makes it impossible. This novel is satirical in the manner that it ends. The reader is expectant to see the characters attending the much-awaited party, which never took place. The irony is that 'Party Going' is an illusionary novel because it contradicts readers' overall expectations.

  2. 2

    Why is the author insinuating that the lives of the characters in this novel are hollow and unpleasing?

    At first, the author depicts the main characters as people who live at the top of the world. For instance, they attend parties all over the place because they are wealthy. However, the reader gets disturbed that these characters hate the Railway Hotel. The main reason why these characters are not fond of this hotel is that they do not enjoy most of the activities that are taking place there. The reality is that these characters are bored with life, and they only imagine extraordinary things. Living partying throughout one's life is questionable because there are plenty of economic activities that these characters should be doing.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic meaning of the novel?

    The author figuratively uses the fog to represent the vagueness of life. The author explains that the characters are incredibly wealthy, and their favorite hobby is partying. However, the much-awaited party never takes place because of the heavy fog. The fog makes it impossible for people to see, and they are forced to abandon their vehicles on the roads and walk on foot. The characters looking forward to attending Maxi's party never do so because of the fog. The fog symbolizes the unavoidable obstacles that prevent people from attaining their desires promptly.

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