
Parasite Literary Elements


Bong Joon-ho

Leading Actors/Actresses

Song Kang-ho, Choi Woo-shik

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Yeo-jeong, Park So-dam


Tragedy, Comedy, Satire, Thriller




Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best International Feature

Date of Release

May 21, 2019


Kwak Sin-ae, Moon Yang-kwon, Bong Yok-cho, Jang Young-hwan

Setting and Context

An unnamed South Korean city

Narrator and Point of View

No narrator

Tone and Mood

Often comic, satirical, dark, unsettling, suspenseful.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: The Kims. Antagonist: Geun-sae, Moon-kwang, and to some extent, the Park family

Major Conflict

The major conflict is that the Kim family must keep their true identities secret while they work in the Park household. If they are discovered, they will be fired. They must also contend with Moon-kwang and her husband, who is living in the basement bunker, and threatening to expose them.


The climax occurs at the garden party when Geun-sae stabs and kills Ki-jung, and Ki-taek murders Mr. Park.


The stink bugs foreshadows the way that smell plays into the film. The rock that Ki-woo's friend gives to the family foreshadows the violence that will eventually burst out. Ki-taek and Chung-sook pretending to be violent with one another foreshadows the violent outbursts as well. When Ki-woo comments on Ki-jung's abilities as a graphic designer and forgery artist, it foreshadows her getting employed as Da-song's art therapist.


The Kims have a rather understated response to most of the events of the film, taking everything in stride, until the very end of the film.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques


Allusions to North Korea and nuclear warfare, to colonialism and imperialism, to class struggle.


Ki-taek manages to escape the police after murdering Mr. Park, but he cloisters himself away in the bunker, unable to be with his family.


Ki-taek living in the bunker is parallel to Geun-sae living in the bunker. Chung-sook and Moon-kwang are parallels for one another. When the Kims stay at the Parks' house, they are parallels for the wealthy family.