Pachinko Characters

Pachinko Character List

Aging Fisherman

He together with his wife were born in the village of Yeongdo famous for fishing activities. The village is five miles away from the from Busan’s Port City.


The only surviving son of the old fisherman and his wife. They gave birth to three children but two died. Only Honnie survived despite the fact that he was the eldest and weakest. He was also born with other disabilities such as twisted foot and cleft palate. Despite that, he is blessed with heavy shoulders, a thickset build, and a golden complexion.

The Red-Eyed Matchmaker

She is an old woman who has come to visit Hoonie’s mother and negotiate for her son to marry a girl from the island. She argues that despite Hoonie’s disability, he is a good man and he can make a girl happy.


This is the woman whom Hoonie is supposed to marry according the Matchmaker. She is from the other side of the island. Her father is a widower and a fisherman too. He lost his properties to the colonial government in the recent survey. The girl has three other sisters. They hardly have anything to eat and the father sends the Matchmaker to find grooms for them. Now the matchmaker goes to Hoonie’s mother to start the bargain.


Yangjin’s only surviving child after she lost three first children to fever, small pox and diarrhea.


The head of the state religion in Osaka. In Japan, religion is headed by the emperor who oversees all the religious activities

Pastor Yoo

He is a faithful and realistic minister. Each dioceses has church ministers who preach and guide the flock on matters religion


He is arrested. Sunja does everything possible to ensure that she takes food to him and she hopes that it reaches. She hands that food to the police with the hope that they are delivering it to him.


Isak’s brother and he allows Sanju to stay with them after Isak is jailed.


Yoseb’s Wife. She combines efforts with Sanju to support her husband financially.

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