Ormond; or, the Secret Witness Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Analyze the role of power and manipulation in the novel.

    In the novel, author Charles Brown explores the dynamics of power and manipulation through Ormond and Constantia's relationship. Ormond is depicted as a charismatic and cunning, yet mysterious and evil character who can use his ability to manipulate people to his ends. The novel explores the ethical implications of Ormond's attempted manipulation of Constantia, who doesn't have much power in the world of the novel because she is a woman. It also questions the morality of using power for personal gain when doing so strips other people of their autonomy.

    Ormond's manipulation is not just personal but also ideological. As a character, he embodies the dangers of unchecked ambition and the seductive nature of power, which is usually only achieved when incredibly ambitious (and at least slightly narcissistic). Constantia's resilience in the face of Ormond's attempts at manipulation illuminates the novel's evolving power dynamics and suggests that people with personal virtue and integrity can resist corruption.

  2. 2

    Explore the significance of the novel's setting.

    The setting of the novel plays a crucial role in shaping the novel's narrative, which is set during an outbreak of Yellow Fever. Not only that, but the novel also reflects the socio-political climate of post-Revolutionary America. The novel is set during a time when the newly established American society grapples with its identity and values. Is it American? Or is it British?

    The novel is set in Philadelphia, one of the foremost cities of the new nation. Philadelphia serves as a microcosm for the broader societal changes and tensions of the time. On one level, Philadelphia is a cultural and political hub. However, it is also dark and Gothic-inspired, creating a contrast between the city's enlightened ambitions and the period's moral ambiguities.

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