One of Us is Lying

One of Us is Lying Imagery

Classroom imagery

This story takes place in the kind of setting that seems like a blatant reference to movies like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, or The Breakfast Club. There are typical scenes of high school life. In fact, the characters even discuss the roles they are playing in the school's dynamic. They are literally shaped by the imagery of the classroom in the same way a banker is shaped by the aesthetic of his bank, or a barista is shaped by her coffee shop. In a way, the school is their social home.

Nature imagery

Although most of this novel takes place in schools and homes, there are some important images of nature. Nate's longest-standing companion is his lizard, and he bikes into the desert to clear his head. He and Bronwyn spend time in the woods, away from the gaze of news cameras. Nature represents an escape from the structures that the students live within. However, it is also a place of danger: Jake attacks Addy in the woods.