One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Film)

In popular culture

Pantera singer Phil Anselmo released a music video called "Choosing Mental Illness" with his band Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals. It pays tribute to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The music video shows scenes recreated from the film with Anselmo playing McMurphy and the rest of the band playing other characters from the film, and Nurse Ratched played by actor Michael St. Michaels.[38]

The film has been referenced several times on The Simpsons, including an episode where Homer is committed to an insane asylum and meets a man who believes himself to be Michael Jackson. In an episode from the fourth season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, titled "Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack," Danny DeVito's character Frank Reynolds is part of subplot that directly parodies the film.

Danny Devito's role in the parody is significant since he was cast in the original film as the character "Martini". In the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, a reference is made to Devito's original role with a character in the parody named "Martini". Additionally, the 1975 film featured Will Sampson as Chief Bromden. In the parody, Tim Sampson, son of Will Sampson, plays "Chief" in mirroring his father's role in the film.[1]

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