Offering to the Storm Background

Offering to the Storm Background

Offering to the Storm is the final novel in Dolores Redondo's "Batzan" trilogy, published in 2014. Like each of the previous novels in the trilogy, Offering to the Storm follows inspector Amaia Salazar, who is tasked one day with investigating the death of a baby girl - a death which she suspects to be murder because of marks on the child's face. When he sees the girl's dead, lifeless body, the baby's father suspiciously runs away. Did he kill his own daughter, Amaia questions?

After speaking with the baby's grandmother, Amaia learns that the grandmother blames the demonic Inguma (of Basque mythology) for the death of her granddaughter. In mythology, the Inguma kills people in their sleep. Initially skeptical, Amaia must go to the Baztán valley to find answers concerning the death of the baby girl. And though Amaia finds some of the answers she was looking for, she is forced to confront several ghosts from her past.

Offering to the Storm was adapted into a film of the same name, which was released in 2020 on streaming giant Netflix. Directed by Fernando González Molina, the film middling reviews. In their review, The Decider called the film a "dissatisfying and anticlimactic movie that still manages to run us through the ringer."

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