Noughts and Crosses

Audio books

Audio books have been made from the novels in the series as follows:

  • Noughts and Crosses (unabridged) - narrated by Sian Blake and Paul Chequer[3]
  • Noughts and Crosses (abridged) - narrated by Nina Sosanya and Nigel Greaves
  • Knife Edge (abridged) - narrated by Nina Sosanya, John Hasler and Joan Walker
  • Checkmate (abridged) - narrated by Nina Sosanya, John Hasler, Joan Walker and Adjoa Andoh
  • Double Cross (abridged) - narrated by Nigel Pilkington, Nicole Davis and Joan Walker
  • Crossfire (unabridged) - narrated by Vivienne Acheampong, Josh Dylan and Nathan Stewart-Jarrett

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