Ninth House Literary Elements

Ninth House Literary Elements


Fantasy novel

Setting and Context

Set in Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Informative and sanguine

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Alex Stern.

Major Conflict

There is a conflict between Alex and the secretive societies when she performs a ritual in the morgue to see the killers of Tara. The secretive societies send a gluma to attack Alex, but she survives.


The climax comes when Alex applies the coercion magic to compel Blake to obliterate the video recorded while using magic to rape Mercy.


Alex’s involvement in ritualistic activities is foreshadowed by her childhood traumatizing experiences when she got raped by a ghost.


The power of secretive societies is understated. For instance, the reader learns that leading members of the secretive cult are politicians, Wall Street tycoons and other influential people in society.


The story alludes to the dark forces that run the world from behind the scenes using a powerful influence to control the world.


Tara's body dead body inside the van and morgue depict sight imagery.


The main paradox is that the secretive societies that recruited Alex to work for them sent a gluma to attack her when she performed a ritual in the morgue.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

A gluma is used as a metonymy to refer to a powerful unseen spirit.


The ghosts are personified.

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