Nightcrawler Literary Elements

Nightcrawler Literary Elements


Dan Gilroy

Leading Actors/Actresses

Jake Gyllenhaal

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Rene Russo, Bill Paxton


Crime, Thriller




Nominated for Best Original Screenplay Academy Award

Date of Release

September 5, 2014


Jennifer Fox, Tony Gilroy, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Litvak, David Lancaster

Setting and Context

Los Angeles, night time, generall in the more affluent areas of the city.

Narrator and Point of View

The point of view is primarily that of Lou Bloom.

Tone and Mood

Salacious, shocking, thought provoking.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Lou is the protagonist, Rick is the antagonist when he tries to use the knowledge he has about Lou as leverage for a raise.

Major Conflict

There is conflict between Nina and her news team because they have an ethical awareness that she seems not to care about; they are in conflict over what they should show on the news and what they should not.


Lou expands his business and even takes on interns because his footage continues to be used by the news station run by Nina.


Rick's trying to leverage a raise foreshadows his death since Lou is not going to save anyone who can use knowledge of him against him.


The news team wondering if using the footage of the dead victims of the home invasion is ethical, but the question itself is an understatement in that it is not the showing of the footage that is unethical. It is the fact that it exists at all.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques

The director wanted to film the movie as if it was a wildlife documentary rather than a feature film, wanting to juxtapose the city's wildness and freedom of spirit with the darker underbelly of the life lived by Bloom. In order to accomplish this, a wide angle lens was used in order to manipulate the depth of field.


The film alludes to real-life news channels in Los Angeles, specifically Pat Harvey's channel and her reporting tenure there.


The more unethical Lou becomes, the more Nina seems to like him.


There is a parallel between the level of salaciousness of the news stories and the size of the audience watching.

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