Mysterious Kor Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show how the quest for happiness and escape from reality is brought out in Elizabeth Bowen’s Mysterious Kor.

    This work is particularly centered on an attempt to escape the reality of the situation and the quest for happiness in a fictitious place. Pepita in his quest for happiness envisages himself as being in the city of Kor even though its only fictional. Through this particular imagination, Pepita is able to escape the reality of the bombed-out London in the virtually perfect Kor. Pepita has essentially given up on pursuing happiness in the real world and opts for this escape from reality.

  2. 2

    Separation and isolation are central to Elizabeth Bowen’s Mysterious Kor. Show how these themes are brought out in the work.

    The French soldiers who are apparently separated from their country’s embody the theme of separation and isolation in this story. Additionally, Arthur always has to protect his love. However, Pepita later isolates herself and the two are separated as she seeks refuge in the imaginary and mysterious city, Kor. Additionally, Callie also is portrayed as preferring her own company to interacting with other people.

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