My Cousin Rachel Characters

My Cousin Rachel Character List

Philip Ashley

Philip is the narrator of the novel and a strange bird. Raised in loving but misogynistic household, his view toward women is perversely shaped not just by philosophy but a literal lack of access to females until his adulthood. Philip’s situation thus makes him especially unprepared to deal with a woman as manipulative as his uncle’s recently widowed wife.

Ambrose Ashley

Cousin to Philip on his mother’s side who has raised him as son in the wake of the death of Philip’s actual parents. He marries Rachel and shoes not longer after under circumstances ambiguous enough to stimulate suspicion: was he really suffering from a brain tumor as his letters claimed or was his behavior the result of being poisoned to death by his almost new bride?

Rachel Ashley

Rachel married Count Sangalletti when she was just twenty-one and following his death accepted Ambrose’s proposition that he become her second husband. Though “middle-aged” at thirty-five, she still seems capable of exerting the same mesmerizing power over men that captured the Count back in the day. This hypnotic seductive power is a strange combination, however: she is both highly sexually charged and maternally dominating. That Philip was raised with a lack of immunity to both these feminine wiles makes him uniquely vulnerable to her charms.

Nick Kendall

Nick Kendall is Philip's godfather and Ambrose's good friend. Nick is a good lawyer as well, and he is the one who answers for all juridical issues. After Ambrose's death Nick Kendall continues to be Philip's guardian until the day when Philip turns 25 years old.

Louise Kendall

Louise is Nick Kendall's daughter. Being few years younger, she is Philip's good friend, and he treats her as a sister, though everyone around thinks that Philip and Louise might make a good couple in future. Louise is a tender person with a good heart and common sense.


Seecombe is a head servant in Cornwall's estate. He is devoted to his master Ambrose, and after his death to young Philip.


Rainaldi is Rachel's attorney.

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