My Abandonment Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show how confusion is brought out in Peter Rock’s My Abandonment.

    In this work, two events pose confusion to the character Caroline, either she was kidnapped by her father or her father is not her father at all but a kidnapper. Even though Caroline has an interest in finding out the truth, when she gets to the place where she grew up calling home, she is shocked to learn that she bears no connection to these people and family even in the least. There is apparent confusion in Caroline’s life. She is confused as to whether who her family is and, in this way, she becomes an epitome of dilemma and confusion in the work.

  2. 2

    My Abandonment is essentially a coming of age story. Show how this theme is brought out in Peter Rock’s work of the same name.

    In a way, Peter Rock’s My Abandonment is a coming of age story as the protagonist portrayed in this work is at a crossover to adulthood. The novel revolves around the life of Caroline as she struggles to make meaning out of her life and the confusion that is affecting her at the same time. She is torn between her secluded life with her kidnapper and the tough ecosphere of the others around her. Caroline’s choice to complete her diploma and find work is a step to adulthood.

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