Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Summarize the micro and macro implications of the recession.

    Jannon elucidates, “I was unemployed, a result of the great food-chain contraction that swept through American in the early twenty-first century, leaving bankrupt burger chains and shuttered sushi empires in its wake. The Job I lost was at the corporate headquarters of NewBagel which was based on the New York or anywhere else with a tradition of bagel-making but instead here in San Francisco.” Recession elicits ripple effects which cut across the corporate world and the individual employees. The contraction adversely impacts the food-chain’s revenues which occasions the large scale unemployment. The unemployment affirms that the economy is not thriving.

  2. 2

    Describe the irony of Penumbra’s pricing strategy.

    Jannon elucidates, “Penumbra sells them for a dollar each. But a buck every few hours doesn’t pay my salary. I can’t figure out what does pay my salary. I can’t figure out what keeps this bookstore in business at all.” The pricing strategy is not viable for it hardly covers the operational expenses. The ironic pricing affirms that Penumbra's objective is not to simply exploit profits. His motive for operating the business rises above the conventional business objectives. Penumbra's goal is to ensure that the members are conveniently supplied with the books.

  3. 3

    Explain the mystery of Jannon’s job requirements.

    Penumbra asserts, “This job has three requirements, each very strict.DO not agree to them lightly. Clerks in this store have followed these rules for nearly a century, and I will not have them broken now…You may not browse, read or otherwise inspect the shelved volumes. Retrieve them for members. That is all.” The requirement not to inspect the volumes underscores the mysterious nature of the bookshop. It implies that the books comprise secrets which should not be exposed to non-members. Therefore, the books are not intended to be sold to all buyers, there are exclusive members who it targets.

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