Mother (Vuong Pham poem) Background

Mother (Vuong Pham poem) Background

"Mother" is Vietnamese-Australian author Vuong Pham's poem about his mother. Published in 2013 as a part of his mini-collection Refugee Prayer, "Mother" examines the relationship between Vuong and his mother. Together, the two immigrated to Australia after the Vietnam War ended and Saigon (the capital of South Vietnam) fell. To ensure that Vuong had a good life and a life filled with opportunities, Vuong's mother uprooted her life, gave up her dreams, and moved them both to Australia. And Vuong wanted to uphold that legacy of sacrifice and positivity. Vuong loves his mother and wants to honor her memory with this poem and other poems.

When it was published, Refugee Prayer and "Mother" specifically received exceptionally positive reviews. Many reviewers pointed to Pham's fantastic writing, the complex themes in each of his poems, and how emotionally resonant the poems are. One famous book blogger said in their review that "I think you will find the honesty and sense of hope that drives this poem will resonate with you long after reading."

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