Monkey Boy Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Monkey Boy Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Train

The train symbolizes peace of mind. When Frank is forced to return to Boston to meet his entranced mother and attend his father's funeral, he has many options for traveling, including the plane. Instead of choosing the fastest mode of transport, Frank prefers to use a train that takes several hours from New York to Boston. Frank prefers the train because he wants the long journey to give him peace of mind as he reflects on his miserable days in Boston.

Frank’s father

Frank's father symbolizes poor parenting. Sons look up to their fathers for love and guidance. However, Frank's father does exactly the opposite. Instead of loving his son, the father is abusive, violent, and alcoholic. Therefore, the father represents a bad influence, negatively affecting Frank throughout his life.


Boston symbolizes bad memories. Whenever Frank thinks of going to Boston, he feels sad, and bad memories about his upbringing resurface. Therefore, Frank prefers to live away from home because it symbolizes misery and misfortunes. Whenever Frank goes to Boston, he recalls his abusive dad.

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