Monday or Tuesday Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the search for life’s meaning is brought out in Monday or Tuesday?

    The search for meaning is epitomized in this anthology by the heron who seems disturbed and perturbed by the happenings in the world. Even though he notices progress and a revolutionization characterized by the smoke he witnesses while in the sky, he becomes more confused. In a way, it can be argued that the heron is unable to comprehend how such progress could also result in such pollution as well as the disconnect between the rich and the poor. Even though he notices that there are rich individuals, he also notices that there are poor people as well, a situation that brings about his confusion as to why such progress can result in the pronunciation of this socio-economic divide between the rich and the poor. In a way, the heron can be argued as an emblem of the unsettled human mind which is often caught up in wonder which limits progress.

  2. 2

    Explore the character of the heron as brought out in this work

    The heron is brought out as quite determined. In his quest to find answers, the heron continues flying around despite being told to accept what he has in life. His determination causes him to lose hold of his peace. Additionally, because he does not find meaning in life, he is lost and at a crossroads. Additionally, when the heron had completed his first cycle of seeking meaning, he settles down and hears a voice that tells him to stop his quest and appreciate what he has in his life. However, the heron assumes this advice and continues flying around without a sense of purpose. In this way, the heron can be argued as heedless and stubborn.

  3. 3

    How is industrialization as a theme alluded in Monday or Tuesday?

    The irony associated with industrialization and progress is largely brought out in the anthology Monday or Tuesday. The heron particularly brings out the aspect of technology and industrialization as well as progress as he flies through the sky. He is able to notice the smoke coming from the chimneys which on top of alluding to the development of industries also points to pollution of the atmosphere as highlighted by the smoke being released into the air. Additionally, the aspect of the socio-economic divide brought out through the heightened poverty line between the rich and the poor. In a way, the heron’s view is the author’s indirect critic of the progress seen in the contemporary world.

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