Molly's Game (2017 Film) Imagery

Molly's Game (2017 Film) Imagery

Player X

Player X arrives at the first night of Molly's hosting the poker game. He starts to introduce himself and we see multiple clips cut together of him on massive red carpets, getting his photograph taken, him on magazine covers. The imagery tells us he's, well...really famous.


Molly knows that what she's doing isn't above board. We watch as Dean shouts at her, "Don't f*ckin' tell anybody." and she narrates that she knows this isn't something she should be doing. But when she counts her tips at the end of the night she walks away with three thousand dollars. And that's enough to keep her quiet and carry on.

Destroying LIves

We watch as Player X lies to a new player in order to take his money. He pushes all of his chips in and tells him plainly he's got him beat. Player X is a famous actor and throughout this scene we see in the imagery a guy who uses his talent to tear this guy apart. We see that the charm of a celebrity is believed more by the general public than their own instincts of reality. And with that Player X takes a pot that wasn't his, and we see how he manipulates and does what he set out to do, destroy lives.

Full Tilt

We watch as Harlan plays throughout the night and is winning as he plays with skill. But one bad hand turns him from a pro into an off-the-rails gambler. The imagery causes the audience to get sick to their stomachs as they watch a man who at the beginning of the sequence is talking about a surprise party for his wife and how excited he is, into a chain-smoking compulsive trying to hit a home run with every hand.

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