Missing May Irony

Missing May Irony

The irony of meeting the spiritual mediator

When Cletus, Summer, and Ob are set on a journey to meet the spiritual mediator, they are sure they will find him. Ironically, they are shocked when they arrive because the mediator is dead. Cletus is shocked because his predictions have always succeeded him. Summer and Ob feel bad because their expectations are thrown under the bridge.

The irony of the house without windows

May and her husband, Ob, live in a trailer home. The couple needs money to purchase a better home. When May adopts Summer, she worries about the house's status. Ironically, Summer is excited to live in the house even if it does not have windows. For Summer, the most important thing she has is a place she now calls home. Therefore, the lack of windows in the house is of little concern to the young, excited girl.

Ob’s acceptance to move on

When Ob's wife dies, he grieves and thinks he will never move on. Summer does her best to comfort her uncle, Ob, but in Vain. Ob says he has no reason to live when his beloved wife dies. Ironically, Ob accepts reality in the end and starts a new life. Ob decides to grow plants in the garden where his wife died to signify the continuity of life.

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