Michael Robartes and the Dancer Themes

Michael Robartes and the Dancer Themes

Wisdom - “Michael Robartes and The Dancer”

Michael Robartes enlightens the dancer to espouse wisdom in her resolution making process. Robartes underscores the quintessence of wisdom by alluding to the myth of the lady and the knight. The allusions edify the dancer about the figurative implications of the mythology which is incongruous to the widespread construal that translates male lovers to the ultimate dragon-killers.

Authenticity - “Michael Robartes and The Dancer”

Michael Robartes affirms the worth of the supreme of authenticity: “ I have principles to prove me right./It follows from this Latin text/that blest souls are not composite,/And that all beautiful women may live uncomposite blessedness.” Compositeness refers to the complexity that occurs in one’s self as a result of over-relying on looking-glasses. Women’s capacity to lead uncomplicated lives is contingent on how the circumvent the undesirable implications of looking-glasses.”Uncomposite blessedness” augments a woman’s candid persona.

Imagery - “An Image From a Past Life”

The imageries pronounced in “An Image From a Past Life” reflect the speakers’ histories and present. Such imagery validates that their past and present lives interconnect. The he’s image expresses in the form of a starlight whereas the she’s image is an non-figurative heart. The he’s image from his past occasions the expression of the she’s image.

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