Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies Themes

Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies Themes

The Theme of Cancer

Breast cancer is a deadly disease that kills millions of people annually worldwide, and literature is part of the growing channels that enlighten society about the effects of this illness. Mortimer’s novel, Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies, explores the theme of cancer by following the life of Lia and her family. At first, Lia is diagnosed with cancer in her early twenties, but the condition is managed, and she recovers. However, later in her forties, breast cancer reappears, and this time the situation worsens. The author illustrates the volatility of cancer disease when Iris suspends most of her activities to take care of her ailing mother.

Consequently, cancer can destabilize a family because the patient needs attention and care, and those responsible are often forced to abandon economic activities to take care of the patients. Lia’s husband, Harry, is also troubled by his wife’s worsening health condition, which psychologically affects his ability to be economically productive. More importantly, Mortimer reminds readers that cancer disease can also reappear after several years, even after one is initially healed.

The Theme of Love

The theme of love is predominant in the novel from different perspectives. Firstly, the readers are introduced to the love between Lia and her parents. Lia’s parents are concerned about the well-being of their daughter, and they always remind her to walk with Christ and take good care of her body. Secondly, Lia’s parents’ adoption of Mathew illustrates their love for humanity. Lia’s parents love Mathew as their biological son. The other kind of love discussed in the book is intimacy. Lia and Mathew are secretly in love and having a sexual affair without their parents’ knowledge. In addition, later, Lia falls in love with Harry, and they get married. The love between Lia and her daughter Iris is also evident when Iris takes care of her sick mother while comforting her with poetry and paintings. Therefore, the theme of love is well covered in the novel Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies.

The theme of Life Secrets

Anything that is done in darkness will one day become known. Mortimer’s fictional novel shows that no secret is permanent in life. Therefore, people must be prepared for the consequences of their actions because one day, their secrets will be revealed by unknown circumstances. When Lia and Mathew were having a secretive sexual affair, Lia never imagined that her actions would follow to haunt her in the future. When Lia is later diagnosed with cancer, everyone knows the secret of her first love with Mathew, who was supposed to be ordained as a priest. Iris is shocked to learn of her mother’s dark secrets, but she can do nothing to control the situation. Harry is also shocked about the secret but decides to continue caring for his wife.

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