Man's Search for Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning Analysis

Man’s search for meaning amidst the worst circumstances of his life provides him solace and lessen the pain of his sufferings. It is in the most crucial times of his life that Frankl begun this search for meaning in his life. The book also has religious implications as a man has been sent in this world for a purpose and according to most of the religions, one must strive to find that purpose. Frankl has urged his fellows to focus on their goals because an aimless life will lead us to nowhere. Our aims push us and force us to struggle for their achievement.

Although Frankl has given an account of the horrible experiences of his life, but he has basically given a lesson that a man can escape everything even the evilest phases of his life if he remains optimistic. If a person gives up, he will definitely lose every battle but if he remains persistent, he can defeat anyone. As Frankl says, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms, to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” It is in our hands to control our fears and to divert our attention from being hopeless to being hopeful.

The logotherapy that Frankl invented, can be of great help in all aspects of life because it can save a person from being stressful and pessimistic in any situation. Even though the book has been written in the context of Holocaust but Frankl has propagated his vision in the horrible circumstances, which propelled him to survive. Frankl lost his wife and friends and apparently there was no meaning in life but still he made attempts to find the meaning in his survival and through the analysis of this book, it can be concluded that he survived to urge others to find their purpose of life, through his writings.

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