Malone Dies Irony

Malone Dies Irony

The irony of death

Death is inevitable, and everyone will die. However, no one is ready to die because all people fear death. Ironically, Malone is confident, and he does not fear death because he predicts how and when he is likely to depart from the world. Malone says he shall soon be quite dead in spite of anything, and he predicts his month of death to be between April and May. According to Malone, there a thousand signs showing him that he will die. Malone's opening statement shows that he is courageous enough to welcome death, which seems satirical to readers.

The irony of antagonism

Malone is depicted as an angry man who is living a painful life. Perhaps, the reader is not surprised to learn why Malone does not value life anymore. However, the reader finds it ironic that Malone does not want to forgive anybody before he dies. Malone says, “Let me say before I go any further that I forgive nobody."

The irony of time

As the book commences, Malone is an individual who wants to die, and he is not afraid. However, Malone starts asking for more time so that he can conclude his drawings. It is satirical that someone ready to die still asks for more time. Malone says, "But should I be short of time, at the last moment, then a brief quarter of an hour would be all I should need to draw up my inventory.”

The irony of possessions

Malone is determined to fight for his worldly possessions because he knows that he will soon die. The reader finds it satirical that an individual who is about to break is determined to fight for earthly possessions. "Then I shall deal with my possessions. If after all that I am still alive, I shall take the necessary steps to ensure my not having made a mistake." Malone indicates that now he knows he is headed to the deceased's world, but he is determined to fight for his wealth.

The irony of Malone’s private room

Malone does not know how he got to a private room in the hospital, but he concludes that no one has ever left it alive. Malone says, “Present state. This room seems to be mine. I can find no other explanation to my being left in it. All this time. Unless it be at the behest of one of the powers that be”. Ironically, Malone has no faith left that he has a chance of living. Instead, he is preparing for his death.

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