Magisterium Irony

Magisterium Irony

Situational irony

Glen's father intentionally disobeys government directives stopping him from conducting scientific projects. The government knows Glen's father wants to help people cross the border without detection. Glen's father starts to blame the government for harassment when he is arrested. Readers do not expect Glen's father to complain after his arrest because he knew the government was after him after he went against its directives.

The paradox of the romantic relationship between Kevin and Glen

The romantic relationship between Glen and Kevin is paradoxical. Readers know Kelvin is gay, but he starts a romantic relationship with Glenn (a female). Under normal circumstances, readers expect Kelvin to start a romantic relationship with a man.

The irony of Glen's mother

Glenn's mother is a paradoxical character in the novel because she decides to do the contrary when she disappears from her daughter's life. The mother runs away from her family when Glenn is 6 years old. Consequently, Glenn grows up without the love of her mother. Making matters worse for Glenn, her father has a busy schedule and spends very few hours at home. Glenn grows up miserably because she lacks the love and care of her parents.

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