Lunch Money Imagery

Lunch Money Imagery

School bell

"The bell rang, sounding like a wailing banshee throughout the school." This sentence uses auditory imagery to describe the sound of the bell ringing. By comparing the sound to a wailing banshee, the author creates a vivid auditory image, emphasizing the loud and piercing nature of the bell's sound. This imagery helps the reader imagine the unsettling and attention-grabbing noise reverberating through the school.


"The cafeteria buzzed with the clatter of trays, the scraping of chairs, and the hum of conversations." This sentence utilizes sound imagery to depict the atmosphere in the cafeteria. The words "buzzed," "clatter," "scraping," and "hum" create a vivid auditory image, allowing the reader to imagine the bustling and lively sounds that fill the cafeteria during lunchtime. It evokes the cacophony of noises that typically accompany a busy lunch period, providing a sense of realism and immersion in the scene.

Greg's eyes

"Greg's eyes were like two shiny quarters." This example uses visual imagery to compare Greg's eyes to shiny quarters, implying that they were bright, round, and reflective. The image created in the reader's mind is that of Greg's eyes gleaming like polished coins.


"The school playground was a bustling scene of kids swinging, sliding, and climbing, with vibrant playground equipment scattered throughout." This sentence employs visual imagery to describe the school playground. The words "bustling scene," "swinging," "sliding," "climbing," and "vibrant playground equipment" create a clear mental picture of a lively and active playground. The reader can visualize the children engaged in various activities and the colorful playground equipment scattered throughout, enhancing the visual representation of the scene.

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