Lulu in Hollywood Themes

Lulu in Hollywood Themes


Based upon her upbringing, Louise is determined to accomplish big things with her life. Her parents were a lawyer and a musician. Although they lived in Wichita, Kansas, they led ambitious careers which influence rubbed off on their daughter. As an adult, Louise satisfies her desire to accomplish by pursuing dance and acting in prestigious cities -- first New York, then L.A. She's largely on her own, left to navigate the challenges of fame and reputation. As a single woman in this era, her autonomy is astonishing. Louise lands herself a few important pictures, silent films. She does have a rather successful career. The entire time, however, it was her own approval that she was trying to gain. Looking backward, she sees only failures where obstacles were actually overcome.


Louise is a liberated woman. She neither lives on her father's money nor, for the most part, relies upon men to finance her. In her personal life, she allows no one to become too close, maintaining a certain abrasiveness to keep people at arm's length from her intimate thoughts. This does not mean, however, that she does not cultivate relationship. She is a true feminist, never once shying away from a thing because she is a woman. In fact, the women on set around her gossip about Louise to no end because they disagree with her sexual liberties. When her marriage doesn't work out, Louise doesn't mind. She continues right where she left off because she's got her own vision for her life and a capable attitude. As a living testament to her ideals, Louise accepts every challenge to her gender in stride. She is not deterred once by being a single woman. In fact she prefers it.


The driving force of this memoir is the chatter which Louise entertains about her colleagues as well as her account of their opinions of her. In such a close working environment built upon reputation like Hollywood, Louise faces a constant barrage of rumors. Gossip, it appears, is the primary method of communication. In her esteem, Louise sees many of the eager actors around her as fake. They sell their own vision to studios in order to remain in the public's favor or. She doesn't like the way people pander, as if they lacked any dimension. She comes down especially hard on folks like Pepi and Humphrey Bogart, who earn zero points in her book for style. Of Louise, gossip spreads about her promiscuity and self-absorption. She neither confirms nor denies any rumors, dismissing all equally on the basis of jealousy.

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